Ex Cathedra
directed by Jeffrey Skidmore
with Andrew Skidmore cello
Baroque Passion
Music by Bach, Purcell, Lotti, Domenico Scarlatti, Kuhnau, Monteverdi, Carissimi, and Charpentier.
Ex Cathedra returns with a programme of sublime music telling of the sacrifice, heartbreak and healing of the Easter story – heartrending as Mary weeps at the foot of the cross to Scarlatti’s Stabat Mater but concludes with optimism in Bach’s glorious motet Komm, Jesu, komm.
“…a heady mix of gloriously rich polyphony” – BBC Music Magazine
£26 | £18 | £12
(£1 children / students)
The Gesualdo Six
Owain Park director
Guy James countertenor
Joseph Wicks and Josh Cooter tenor
Michael Craddock baritone, Sam Mitchell bass
Josquin’s Legacy – The Court at Ferrara
Song of Songs | Lamentations and Deplorations
Music by Josquin de Prez, Brumel, Compère, Divitis, Festa, de Févin, L’Héritier, Mouton, and de la Rue.
The Gesualdo Six scored an immediate hit with the Warwick audience and, now back for the fourth time, will transport us to a famed renaissance court in northern Italy, through which Josquin and other Franco-Flemish composers passed.
“Ingeniously programmed and impeccably delivered ” – Gramophone
£26 | £18 | £12
(£1 children / students)
Please note that while the church tower undergoes restoration, the main doors are blocked off; entrance for the concert is via the South Door which is on Church Street.
We have received notification from the church that the heating is currently not working; the necessary part is on order but may not arrive in time for our concert, so please be advised to wrap up warm for the evening!!
Tabea Debus recorder
with The Cedar Consort
Benedict Williams harpsichord and direction
Anna Curzon & Rachel Stroud violins
Elitsa Bogdanova viola
George Ross cello
Rosie Moon double bass
Telemann’s Subscribers
Telemann Concerto in F TWV51:E1
Blavet Sonata seconda from Troisième livre des sonates
Bach Orchestral Suite No 3 in D BWV1068
Telemann Ouverture-Suite in A minor TWV55:a2
Handel Violin Sonata in D minor HWV359a
Bach Concerto after BWV35 & BWV156
The rising German recorder star, selected by the Young Concert Artists Trust joins The Cedar Consort to play works that Telemann had printed in a subscription deal that he launched in 1721.
“A charismatic virtuoso” – The Times
£26 | £18 | £12
(£1 children / students)
The Cedar Consort is hugely grateful to the Continuo Foundation for their support of this tour

The City Musick
directed by William Lyons
with George Bartle, Gawain Glenton, Sarah Humphrys, Tom Lees
Nicholas Perry and Richard Thomas
Heigh Ho Holiday:
Christmas Revels in seventeenth-century London
The City Musick – an ensemble of seven versatile musicians – performs festive dances and carols sung and played on the joyous sound of shawms, cornetts, sackbuts, dulcians, regals, recorders and bagpipes. A delightful programme presenting a perfect evocation of Christmas as celebrated four hundred years ago.
“Vitality, resonance, and immediacy” – The Telegraph
£26 | £18 | £12 includes mulled wine and mince pies
(£1 children / students)
The York Waits
Tim Bayley, Lizzie Gutteridge, Anna Marshall
Susan Marshall and William Marshall
with Deborah Catterall singer
The Mirth and Melody of Angels
Celebrating the 45th anniversary of the recreation of York’s historic city band, the Waits explore the rich tapestry of seasonal music from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Familiar German chorales are followed by French Noëls and Mediterranean songs from the folk tradition, all accompanied by the full array of period instruments – shawms, sackbuts, curtals, crumhorns, bagpipes, recorders, flutes, fiddles, rebec, guitar, hurdy gurdy and portative organ.
“…a sight and sound not to be forgotten” – Musical Times
£20 includes mulled wine and mince pies
(£1 children / students)
Concert sponsored by Leigh Christou

Emilia Benjamin, Jonathan Rees,
Joanna Levine, Sam Stadlen
and Richard Boothby
Locke, Purcell, Jenkins & Lawes
A programme of Consorts and Fantazies to celebrate Matthew Locke at 400, his genius pupil Henry Purcell, and other stars of the Seventeenth Century. Fretwork, the leading British viol consort, returns to Warwick for the first time since 2013 to remind us of this golden age.
“The finest viol consort on the planet…” – The Evening Standard
£26 | £18 | £12
(£1 children / students)
The Marian Consort
directed by Rory McCleery
Why do I use my paper, ink and pen?
Treasures from the manuscripts of Elizabethan England with music by Byrd, Clemens non Papa, Giles, Parsley, Parsons, Tallis and Van Wilder.
The Marian Consort – the young, dynamic group that made its BBC Proms debut last year and whose most recent CD release was chosen as one of Presto Music’s 2021 Recordings of the Year – comes to Warwick for the first time, bringing a programme that explores sacred vocal polyphony found in the beautiful handwritten manuscripts that were the preserve of Elizabethan music collectors.
“The singers perform with a yearning intensity which is just exquisite” – Gramophone
Concert generously supported by Warwick Town Council
£26 | £18 | £12
(£1 children / students)
The Gonzaga Band
Faye Newton soprano
Jamie Savan cornetto, Guy Morley trombone
Oliver Webber violin, Mark Caudle violone
Steven Devine harpsichord and organ
Alla Milanese
Milan around 1600 was at the centre of a musical revolution, with performers and composers like Rognoni, Cima and Bovicelli and nuns like Caterina Assandra excelling.
With the emergence of a virtuoso violin school, together with publication of some of the first instrumental music polarizing treble and bass instruments – violin and violone, cornetto and bass trombone – and a tradition of virtuoso singing both in the cathedral and in the convents, musical Milan was the place to be.
This is a programme to celebrate one of the most exciting and revolutionary periods in music history.
Concert generously supported by John and Jean Morgan
The Gesualdo Six
Owain Park director
Guy James countertenor
Joseph Wicks and Josh Cooter tenor
Michael Craddock baritone, Sam Mitchell bass
English Motets
Since their second visit to Warwick in October 2019, the Six have toured Australia and the States and been to several countries on the continent. They return with a programme of glorious music from renaissance England by Byrd, Forrest, Power, Sheryngham, Sheppard, Tallis, Tomkins, Weelkes and White that shows that, despite the religious and political upheavals, music in England flourished in a Golden Age lasting nearly two hundred years.
Concert generously supported by John and Jean Morgan
Monteverdi String Band
Oliver Webber and Theresa Caudle violins
Wendi Kelly viola
Christopher Suckling bass violin
Toby Carr theorbo
Meraviglia e diletto
Composers headed by Gabrieli, Castello, Scarani, Rovetta, Salaverde, Virgiliano, Mortaro, Piccinini, Marini, Cazzati, Rosenmüller and Legrenzi transport us to seventeenth-century Italy with joyful canzonas, dramatic sonatas, exquisite ornamentations and luxurious harmony. Wonder and delight indeed!